Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To the man across the street......

I looked out the window and what did I see...

Well definitely not popcorn popping on the apricot tree. No! Instead I saw this. Please keep in mind that this is not the first time I have had the unfortunate opportunity to view this.

Notice the quality of the photo....I had to sneak behind the curtains, and in between the blinds to get this shot....Also the flash went off, which put me in a panic attack........What if his just as hot partner saw the flash from my house....O boy! ** Do you see the light in his window...ahahah yep thats me lol***

Anyways, I just wanted to shout to the world that this is WRONG!!! Let this be a warning...and a reminder, PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOUR NEIGHBORS! Be weary of your cracks at all times! This shouldn't be too much to ask....Thanks!

Love Linds


The DeGiulio's said...

Haha your too funny. I'd be freaking out about the flash too because I wouldnt want him to know I was taking a picture.

Alicia said...

Oh, man, that is soooo wrong. I hate it when you just turn and there is someone's crack. EWWWWWW!!!!

Shelayna said...

Secretly I'm jealous of the happenings of your neighborhood.. Every sunday morning this little hispanic girl knocks on my neighbors door screaming "give me my cleaning stuff back"..... I often wonder to myself... What kind of cleaning supplies did she share?? And I dont think she knows that they moved out like a month ago... I wish i had a peep hole to capture the magic of sundays at my place :)

Jill said...

He looks really cute !!

Shanna said...

LOL, that is awesome! What an unfortunate site to behold...thank you for using your wicked skills to capture this moment on film for all the wurld to see.

Mitch and Katie said...

Ha Ha Ha That is great I love the fact that you can see the flash in the window. Lindsey only you would have the guts to take that picture you are the best.