Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Party part 1

I have been a busy busy girl. December is always a busy month for me (like every other person right?). Between the open house and work parties, Anthony's birthday prep, Finals week, family events its just exhausting.

Last weekend I got the privilege to go to my step mom in laws family party. If I lost anyone I will give you a better description-Anthony's Step mom's side. Did that help? How about Debbies Family? Ok, let me tell you about that family. I love them. I love Debbie. She is so sweet. I love her emails that she sends to me, I know that she thinks about me and Anthony (tony to her) often and I am so grateful to have her in my life. With that being said let me explain the party.

First off, everyone go ahead and start clapping and cheering for me. I went all alone! Anthony had school and I felt that I was grown up enough to go at it alone. Debbie and Anthony's dad was with me of course. But don't you get how big of a deal that is? I am still in shock! Debbie's family have always welcomed me in the past, I thought....they definiately won't shun me this time hahaha. You remember the bathroom situation right? Well I feel like I can do anything with that family now. We are tight.

Anyways, we ate lots of good food, then we had a ornament exchange. They do this every year. Its so fun! I love the ornament that I come home with every time. This year I ended up with a happy go lucky Santa. I wuv him. I put him at the top of the tree right next to the star...Yes he is that special.
After ornament exchange SANTA arrived! The kids were overjoyed and it was super cute. I moved a little closer to Santa (who may or may not have been a relative...shhh don't tell the lil kids). I wanted a closer look because the kids faces were priceless. One by one the kids went up and told Santa what they wanted and then received some gummy bears. We were getting ready to wrap things up when I heard someone say "Lindsey hasn't seen Santa!".....I about died!!!
"Its fine really! Santa doesn't need to see me!" I then heard a dare thrown out...."DO IT FOR YOUR BLOG!". BAHAHAHAHA how could I resist!

I was forced to sit on Santa's lap. I remember telling Santa that I hope I don't break his leg. Then he was asking me questions (too many questions) I look ahead and there are cameras everywhere. My face is heating up. "I'm always a good girl! No, I don't want anything!!!". I then got up and sat in the furthest seat and tried to catch my breath. It was intense. And so hilarious to me as soon as the party ended.
Notice how red my face is. hahahhaha i was such a mess! I bet I was one of those kids at the mall that crys for their moms.

I will attend again folks! Don't you worry, once again you have not frightened or rattled me to the core yet! Thanks for the food, the company, and thanks to Santa for the free gummy bears. Sorry I wasn't too friendly on your lap, I was too close to a mental meltdown.

P.S After the party Anthony met up with Me, Leonard and Debbie and we all went to Temple square together. It was nice, we haven't been for a couple of years. Here's a pic or two, they aren't great. Love you all!

1 comment:

Shanna said...

Bahahahahaha! I love your face(s) as you are sitting on Santa's lap...you look completely awkward and freaked out! I guess you don't share the same Santa exuberance that we have seen exhibited by others. Oh, and I am still super duper impressed that you went alone...that takes a lot of guts!