Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Something new this way comes....

I have had an idea in my head. It probably came to me while drifting off to sleep one night, or while cleaning my toes in the shower. Usually proclaiming those ideas are usually a bad idea. Most of those ideas sound ridiculous hours later, but this one has stuck around. Therefore it must be good right?

New Years Resolutions……ridiculous right? Every year I think of one, every year I desert it after a week or two. But what if I made a new resolution every week? Anyone can stick to something for a week….and here lies the idea.

Try something new once a week for a year.

The Rules:

  1. Make a list ahead of time, do not alter list…..ever!
  2. Draw a weekly task on Sunday, finish task by Saturday night.
  3. Blog about task once it is finished….give proof such as a photo or great story.
  4. Failing is not an option

Some are going to take longer than a week. They just need to be finished by designated due date. Extra tasks can be done in conjunction.

This will start the first week of January…..only 2 days away. Please comment on your thoughts regarding this. I need a couple more weekly tasks…if you have any ideas please let me know.



Shanna said...

I really love this idea! I wish you the best of luck! I may or may not be working on something similar...

Shanna said...

I meant to tell you this last night, but spaced it...just so you know, week one of this year is this week. You better pick something quick yo!

Raymond and Nicole said...

I think its an awesome idea!! What kind of things are you going to set as your weekly goals??

Khinna said...

I was thinking the same thing, except that I was going to do monthly goals. The yearly thing always bypasses me as well.