Saturday, December 26, 2009

It is interview season again. On Monday I have about 11 interviews (so far). I am not going to speak of these like I usually do because well it just isn't all that professional. And as all of you are aware, I am as professional as it gets just about 72% of the time. I just have one thing to say though…

If you want an interview from me and you send in your resume please be aware that you will not get an interview time slot if you spell opportunity as spelled below:


No good, no good at all



The DeGiulio's said...

Haha oh man thats pretty funny. Good luck getting through the interviews.

terrah said...

Darn! I'll miss those interview stories! Good luck!

Kelsey said...

Haha!! That is so funny! Some people! :) I hope you had a great Christmas!