Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tagged by Summer


  1. I'm addicted to chocolate milk, I drink and drink and drink, and sometimes I just can't hold it down....LOL gross!
  2. I am terrified when anyone chases me!!!
  3. I HATE hamburger helper!!!!
  4. Although I have lived in the Salt Lake area for the last 4 years, I have never actually been to the Great Salt Lake.
  5. I failed a sobriety test.....sober :) ***I have never drank....EVER....just fyi)
  6. I am terrified of spiders, I can't get close enough to kill them so i spray them with hairspray.
  7. When i get bored I cut my bangs (I always regret it)
I tag Jill, Khinna, Alicia, Shelayna, and anyone else that feels the need too.

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